Monday, May 7, 2007

Brian continues to struggle to breath. The problem is his left lung keeps filling with fluid. On Friday he was placed back on a vent. Today he has a new group of Drs, just due to the normal rotation. One of the new doc is trying different settings on his vent to try to get Brian to do more of the work of breathing. He remains in ICU and any conversation of moving him is a day to day thing depending on his breathing.


rochelleer said...

Our thoughts are with you during this time. We miss you. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. We anxiously await your updates. You and your family are in our prayers.


Rochelle ER

Anonymous said...

Dave and Family...

Its hard to believe let alone accept when it hits this close to home. When Brian was at our house (before this last tour) I told him how proud we were of him, and how much maturity he has gained. Dave, be proud of him, we are. With Gods speed we wish him a full recovery, and waiting for his return.

Is there anything that we may be able to do for him???

Please let us know.

Jacob wants to say "Hi"...

John & Jonne

Anonymous said...

Brian I wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers and have been since the last time you came and spoke at FOCUS House. I remember asking you then if you were scared and you said all the time. That still makes me tear up.

You are a wonderful young man who has come incredible far. You keep fighting. I am proud of you. I will be following your progress and look forward to seeing you one day again in Rochelle.

Mrs. Lind